Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Fund

Aggressive Hybrid Fund - An open-ended hybrid scheme investing predominantly in equity and equity related instruments.

Category : Aggressive Hybrid Fund-Hybrid Scheme

  • Risk
    Very High Risk
  • AUM(in Cr)
    `8445 As of Apr 30, 2023
  • Age
    30 years 3 months since 01-Feb-1993
  • Horizon
    Medium to Long Term
  • Goal
    Capital Growth and Income Generation
  • Benchmark
    CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index

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Presenting Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Fund

Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Fund invests in a mix of equity (65% - 80%) and debt instruments (20%-35%). Through the blended allocation, the fund seeks to generate long term capital appreciation along with accrual income. It is suitable for investors who want to participate in growth potential of equity markets at the same time want a cushion against the downside risk.

Balancing Risk & Return

An Aggressive Hybrid fund is a fund that invests in a blend of equity & debt instruments with aim to provide optimum returns to the investors. Generally, majority of the capital is invested in equities and a small portion is allocated to debt securities. Depending on the market scenario, the proportion of equity & debt is adjusted in the scheme. The fund aims to benefit from the growth opportunities in equity markets as well as generate steady income from debt markets.

Aggressive Hybrid funds – Scope, Advantages

Risk Return

  • Since an aggressive hybrid fund has a larger allocation towards equity and a small exposure to debt, it is positioned between a pure equity and a pure debt scheme.
  • The equity allocation aims to enhance overall returns of the portfolio. While the investment in Debt instruments endeavours to limit the downside risk. Thus an aggressive hybrid fund seeks to provide a balanced risk – return mix to the investor.

Automatic & Tactical Asset Allocation :

  • Managing separate equity and debt portfolios, would involve churning costs; also it may be difficult for an investor to tactically adjust equity =allocation as per market movement.
  • Aggressive Hybrid funds provide these advantages in a single structure.

Investment Strategy – Key Highlights

  • Equity – The scheme follows a GARP Style of Investing. The equity portion of the fund is invested in large caps & quality mid caps with the aim to provide stability and liquidity to the portfolio and opportunity for Capital Appreciation. The portfolio is well diversified across large number of stocks & sectors with the endeavour to mitigate concentration risk .
  • Debt- The fixed income allocation is actively managed following a blend of 'Accrual' and 'Duration' strategy. The fund invests in high quality debt (bonds/debentures) & money market instruments in order to minimize the credit risk.

Why Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Fund

The above is only indicative in nature. There is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.

Fund Specifics

Fund Category Aggressive Hybrid Fund - An open-ended hybrid scheme investing predominantly in equity and equity related instruments.
Investment Objective To seek to generate long term capital appreciation and / or income from a portfolio constituted of equity and equity related securities as well as fixed income securities (debt and money market securities). However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the scheme will be realized.
Inception DateFebruary 1, 1993
Indicative Asset Allocation
  • Equity and equity related instruments- 65 - 80%. (Risk- High)
  • Debt and money market instruments 20% to 35%. (Risk- Low to Medium)
  • REITs/ InvITs – 0%-10% (Risk- Medium to High)

For detailed asset allocation, please refer to Scheme Information Document

Fund SizeRs.8445 Crs (As of Apr 31, 2023)
Load Structure
  • Entry Load: Nil
  • Exit Load: 1% -
    For any redemption / switch out upto 10% of units within 1 Year from the date of allotment – Nil
    For any redemption / switch out more than 10% of units within 1 Year from the date of allotment - 1%
    For any redemption / switch out after 1 Year from the date of allotment - Nil
FacilitiesSIP/ STP/ SWP/ Transfer of IDCW Plan
BenchmarkCRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index
Investment Plans / Options
  • Regular Plan - Growth
  • Regular Plan - Montlhy Payout/Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal
  • Direct Plan - Montlhy Payout/Reinvestment of Income Distribution cum capital withdrawal
  • Direct Plan - Growth

The above is only indicative in nature. There is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.

This product is suitable for investors who are seeking*

  • Income/capital appreciation over long term.

  • Investment predominantly in equity and equity related instruments and a small portion in debt and money market instruments.


Benchmark Risk-o-meter

Note:*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.


The information provided above is only for reading purpose and do not constitute any guidelines or recommendation on any course of action to be followed by the reader. Reader should rely on information/data arising out of their own investigations. Readers are advised to seek independent professional advice, verify the contents and arrive at an informed investment decision before making any investments. Investor shall note that there is no assurance or guarantee that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved. None of the Sponsor, the Investment Manager, the Trustees, their respective directors, employees, associates or representatives shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages, including lost profits arising in any way from the information contained in this material. This is for general information purposes only and should not construed as solicitation to invest in the Mutual Fund schemes.


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